Thursday, August 13, 2009

Artistry & Shopping Under the Influence

So I'm an artist. Never had the balls to introduce myself as such, face-to-face. But here, online, in this my first blog, I'm going for it.

Being an artist means a lot of things, of course. It means paying attention to life, even at its most banal and heart-breaking; for unbearable interactions make great material.

Being an artist means making a third what my wife makes (for now). Some days it means sleeping in while she readies for work, playing football video games until an hour before she gets home then writing my ass off until she does. Sometimes this hour is more productive than a normal day's work (I hardly ever do this, honey. I'm just throwing comedy with you).

Being an artist means means telling a dear friend about your new song and watching their eyes glaze over as though you'd just said, "Blah, blah, blah, Tony. Blah, blah, blah." They love ya, Artist Boy, but they really don't give a damn what you write.

Being an artist often means a fanatical love of other artists (You complete me, Bobby Dylan, especially when I can fade your songs out after 2.5 minutes). I have learned the hard way, though, not to combine iTunes-shopping and booze. Demon alcohol, you are so seductive; even buying Van Halen 'Black and Blue' seems like a good idea when I'm under your spell.

Being an artist means you have a ton in common with your fellow artists, even when it feels like you don't. What we do may look pretty damn different. It may sound different. But deep down it's the same thing, the same calling; becoming more and more ourselves, being co-creators with God.

I hope... enjoy these posts. comment often. share them with others. have the guts to call yourself an artist.

Peace Be With You All,

matt mintz


  1. all i can say is, there are lots of blogs out there. and the world needs yours. keep on truckin'!


  2. Love it! Can't wait for more ... Black & Blue, Ha, that got a laugh, and now it is stuck in my head!

    PS-I'm an artist too! ssshhhhhhh....

  3. Thanks for sharing about yourself...I only wish I could express myself so well.
